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How to make Almond Milk at home from Raw Almonds

Updated: May 23, 2022

Almond milk is a good alternative for diary milk. Almond milk can be easily made at home all that you need as ingredients is : Almond and water. Also, as equipment we need a mixer / blender. Homemade almond milk is not only less expensive, it is much better than shop brought ones because they will not contain any other chemicals.

Almonds is considered super food. It have great health benefits as it is nutrient-dense seeds. However, we seldom include them in our daily food. If we make almond milk then we can consume it in many ways by using it in making beverages like tea coffee etc. Also, It can be used to make smoothies, puddings etc. Now, what sets almonds apart from other nut milks is that generally people are not allergic to almonds like other nuts like cashew and peanut. So now, lets get started as to how make it.

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Recipe of how to make Almond Milk at home from Raw Almonds

Section 1: List Your Ingredients

  • 1/4 cup raw Almonds (not roasted or salted)

  • 1 cup clean drinking water

Section 2: Equipment

  • Mixer/blender/ Food processor

Section 3: Directions

  1. Rinsing- Take 1/4 cup Almonds and rinse well

  2. soaking - . Then soak in 2 times cold dinking water in a clean container for at least 4hrs. Overnight is the best. However, it can be soaked in hot water for 1-2 hrs.

  3. Draining water -When the Almonds have all swelled up drain the excess water.

  4. Peel of the skin- The skin of the almond can be pealed off easily once it is soaked well.

  5. Blending- Once the skin is all removed, add the almonds to a mixer/blender/food processor, along with 1 cup of fresh cold water. (We can add flavor to it if needed by adding vanilla essence, a pinch of salt and a sweetener of your choice, like maple syrup, honey or 1-2 soaked dates. Or you can keep it unsweetened). Turn the blender on high for 30 seconds and blend until it’s creamy and smooth. Pause for sometime and blend again for another 30 seconds. Now it all depends on the power of the mixer/blender. My blender is so powerful that I don't have to strain it. However, if there are still particles pause every 30 seconds and blend for 1 more minute. And if the particles are still there then strain it.

  6. Straining-Use a cheesecloth or nut-milk bag to strain the almonds. I don't have to do this step as there is no much particles in it. However, if you have to strain you don't have to throw the almond particles collected in the cheese cloth or nut-milk bag. We can dry it and use it to make granola.

  7. Storing: Pour the almond milk into a bottle or an airtight container and store it in the fridge.

Chia pudding made using almond milk

I store the almond milk in bottle as given in the above picture. It stays in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. I always make using 1/4 cup as we can always make it fresh easily. Hoping you will try making almond milk at home. Please send in your feedbacks and comments. Have any of you tried making almond milk. Please share your experience. Do you have any special recipe using almonds? Please do share. Chick on the link for Chia pudding recipe using almond milk. Happy experimenting. Stay healthy and happy!

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