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How to make BEST Almond Butter at home in few seconds

Making the best almond butter at home is easier than you may think. It is just like making peanut butter. All that you need are almonds and a mixer/food processor! The best part is that it is so easy to customize with different spices or sweeteners if needed! You can add in cinnamon and vanilla extract if you're craving something sweet; mix in some cocoa powder or cacao nibs for chocolatey goodness; try blending in some honey and dates for an easy dessert spread. You can even add things like shredded coconut or sunflower seeds if you want more texture. The possibilities are endless!

Almond butter is a great alternative to peanut butter, and it's more allergy-friendly. Almond butter has less fat than peanut butter does (about 60% less), so if you're looking for something that's lower in calories than PB but still tastes good then this could be a good option for you. It's also naturally gluten-free! Almond butter is high in protein, fiber, minerals etc. which makes it a great snack choice when you're looking for something that will help keep you feeling full for longer. Also, it's packed with antioxidants, which help keep your heart and brain healthy.

Recipe of how to make best almond butter at home in few seconds

Serving : 1 cup of almonds makes 3/4 cup of almond butter

Raw almonds

Section 1: Ingredients Required

For making almond butter:

1 cup raw peanuts

1/8 tsp salt or to taste, (optional)

1/8th tsp cinnamon powder(optional)

1/4 tsp vanila essence(optional)

1/4 tsp honey/maple syrup(optional)

For making almond milk from almond butter:

1 tbsp of almond butter 1 cup water 1/2-1 tsp maple syrup or honey or any sweetner of your choice 1/4 tsp vanilla essence (optional)

Section 2:Equipment Required

Oven/heavy bottom pan


Section 3: Recipe video

Watch the recipe before reading instructions for better understanding.

Section 4: Add Numbered Directions

  1. Roast the almonds on a heavy bottom pan over low to medium flame until it turns aromatic or roast it in a pre-heated oven for 10 minutes at 18o dergree centigrade and set it aside to cool.

  2. While it still is warm to touch, blend it in the mixer/foodprocessor pusing every 30 seconds. It will first form almond flour and then goes through few more stages and forms smooth, creamy almond butter consistency. At this point if you want flavour it with salt, sugar / maple syrup, cinnomon etc.

  3. Transfer the penut butter into a air tight container and store in the refregerator. It stay good upto a month.

Open sandwich with almond butter and banana

Section 4: Serving suggestions and conclution

Almond butter can be spread on toast, with banana, apples or pears. Swirl it into oatmeal or yogurt, it can be used in smoothies, as a dip for veggies (try it with cucumbers!), in a stir-fry, , you can also use almond butter as a substitute in any recipe that calls for peanut butter—just make sure to use unsalted versions so they don't dry out during baking. Try adding it to brownies or cookies for an extra crunchy texture, or mix it into frosting to give your treats a nutty twist. The possibilities are endless when it comes to enjoying this delicious spread—just remember: if you want something that is healthy and tastes good, go with almonds. Also, you can just eat it by the spoonful straight from the jar—no shame!

Hoping you liked the recipe. Please share your comments and feedback. Thank you.

Happy experimenting!

Stay healthy, Stay happy!

Yummily, Vinitha.

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