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How to sprout Green Gram or Mung/Moong Bean in 3 days without using cloth or any special apparatus

Updated: Dec 18, 2022

Mung Bean (Moong Bean) or Green Gram is one of my favorite pulse or legumes. When I suffered from severe food allergy long back, this is one of the few food that I was not allergic to. Especially during those days I use to consume mung almost every day. It is rich source of protein. We can say that it is a power house of important nutrients and dietary fiber. And it is easily digestible. Now, mung sprouts has more nutrients than just the mung bean. It is very versatile, we use the soaked mung Bean as well as its sprouts in various recipes in our Indian cuisines. It can be used in salads, snacks, soups, curries etc. I have shared a post on how to make healthy mung bean sprout salad. It is super easy to sprout at home. Even those who are staying in hostels can sprout them easily. Sprouting at home or hostels is much better option than the shop brought packaged sprouts as the shop brought ones may have preservatives. And I feel when we can easily sprout pulses or legumes at home then why go for the shop brought sprouts. Moreover, making your own mung bean sprouts is inexpensive. I have a fool proof method to sprout beans, it does not require special apparatus, cloth etc. All that we require is a casserole or a non-clear container that can be closed and a colander/ sieve that can fit into it.

So Let’s Get Started.

1 cup of mung Bean yields 3 1/2 to 4 cups of mung Bean sprouts in 3 days


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List of Ingredients

  • 1 cup of mung Bean

  • 1 and 1/2 cup boiled and cooled or clean drinking water

Equipment required

  • Colander/sieve

  • Casserole


Cleaning and soaking mung Bean

  • Take the mung beans in a bowl. Pick and clean the beans with water to remove any stones or impurities.

  • Drain the water using a colander and place the rinsed mung beans back in a bowl. Add 1 and 1/2 cup boiled and cooled or clean drinking water for 1 cup mung bean and cover the mung beans in the bowl.

  • Cover the bowl with a lid and soak the beans overnight or for 8-10 hours.

  • The next day the mung beans will swell up. Drain the excess water from the bowl by using a colander to strain. At this stage if we need to cook mung bean we can use it. However, if we need sprouts then then we need to follow the steps for sprouting.

Sprouting the mung bean.

  • Thoroughly rinse the beans with clean filtered water, or water that has been boiled and cooled so that there is no risk of contaminating the sprouts.

  • Place the swelled up and drained soaked beans in the colander / sieve. Take a casserole or a container that is not clear and place the colander in the casserole or the container. Now cover with a lid such that it is not tight fitting or air-tight. And keep it at room temperature for 1 to 2 days .

  • Check after around 10-12 hours you will see the the beans has began to sprout. After again around 10-12 hours that is two days you will see beautiful sprouts from the mung beans.

  • For long tender sprouts, we need to keep for 2 to 3 days.


Storing the sprouted mung bean

Sprouted mung bean can be stored in Zip lock bags or air tight containers in the refrigerator for 3-4 days to be used as and when required.

Best Mung (Moong ) Bean Stored in Zip lock Bags for storing in the refrigerator.
Best Mung ( Moong ) Bean stored in Zip lock bags

Hoping you like my method. Kindly share your valuable feedbacks and comments. Happy experimenting. Stay healthy, stay happy.

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