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Mango Magic: Savor the Refreshing Twist of Mango Coconut Chia Pudding

Image of Mango Coconut Chia Pudding
Mango Coconut Chia Pudding

Welcome to a delightful world of tropical flavors and healthy indulgence! Today, we're diving into the wonderful realm of Mango Coconut Chia Pudding. This recipe is a harmonious blend of luscious mango, creamy coconut milk, nutritious chia seeds, and a touch of velvety mango yogurt. With its vibrant colors and tantalizing textures, this dessert will transport you straight to a sunny paradise with every spoonful.

If you're a fan of mangoes, get ready to embark on a journey that celebrates their sweet and tangy essence. This Mango Chia Pudding recipe strikes the perfect balance between velvety smoothness and delightful crunchiness. It's not just a treat for your taste buds, but also a nourishing option packed with wholesome ingredients.

Mangos are one of our favourite fruit and we wait for this season. And every season I try some new recipe. This season I tried this pudding and I loved it. So, gather ingredients, put on the aprons, and let the mango-infused adventure begin! Prepare yourself for a refreshing and tropical dessert that will leave you craving more. Let's dive into the recipe and create a Mango Chia Pudding masterpiece that will impress both your friends and your palate!

Mango-Coconut Chia Pudding Recipe

Serves 2 person

Total cooking time: around 10 minutes

setting time: about 2 hours atleast

Section 1: Ingredients

Section 2: Recipe video

Watch the recipe video before reading the instructions for better understanding

Section 3: Instructions

  1. In a mixer, combine the coconut milk, mango slices and pulse it two to three times.

  2. To assemble your chia pudding in the serving bowls, divide the mango-coconut mixture into serving bowls or jars.

  3. Add 2 tbsp of chia seeds to each serving dish and stir gently to ensure they are evenly distributed. Let the mixture sit for about 5 minutes.

  4. After 5 minutes, give the mixture another stir to prevent any clumping of the chia seeds. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or overnight to allow the chia seeds to absorb the liquid and create a pudding-like consistency.

  5. Once the chia pudding has set, give it a good stir to break up any clumps that may have formed. (If you prefer a smoother texture, you can prepare togather in a seperate bowl and once set you can blend the pudding in a blender and transfer it to the serving dish)

  6. Top each serving with fresh mango yogurt and mango slices to add a vibrant touch of color and a burst of fruity sweetness.

  7. Feel free to get creative with additional toppings if desired. You can sprinkle some shredded coconut, drizzle honey or maple syrup, or add a handful of pistachi/granola for extra crunch.

  8. Serve chilled and enjoy your refreshing Mango-Coconut Chia Pudding.

Section 4: Conclusion

This pudding makes a satisfying breakfast, a delightful snack, or a guilt-free dessert.. Each spoonful will leave your taste buds truly satisfied and it keeps you satiated. So, go ahead and indulge in this healthy and delicious treat! Looking forward for your feedback and comments.

Thank you.

Stay healthy, stay happy!



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