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Sugar-free, Super Healthy, Yummy & Easy Avocado-Banana Smoothie

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

Thick & Creamy smoothie made by blending avocado, banana, almond milk and honey
Super healthy, delicious and easy Avocado Banana Smoothie

I am a huge fan of this smoothie not only because it is incredibly rich, creamy and it almost tastes like vanilla ice-cream but it also super healthy. I was blown over by hearing the health benefits of avocado. The avocado is one of the most nutrient-dense foods available. They are among the richest in fiber, folate, potassium, vitamin E, and magnesium among all fruits. This nutrition profile makes it a worthy to be called super food. Also, it is packed with mono saturated fat. So, it is generally good for all those who are on weight loss journey to replace some of the saturated fat in one’s diet with avocado. Now, if you are on a doctor-recommended nutrition or weight loss plan, it’s always best to consult your doctor. And combined with banana and almond milk this smoothie is super duper healthy. And, this smoothie is so versatile, we can start with this smoothie as good filling breakfast or it can be enjoyed as refreshing snack or a healthy dessert option.

It is only when I came to UAE that I discovered this fruit. Some use to call it as butter fruit. And almost all who had tasted the fruit said that it tastes like ice cream when we blend it with milk and sugar, so back then I tried it with diary milk and sugar. It did taste like ice-cream, however, I was in search of a healthier option and it is only when I prepared the smoothie with banana and plant based milk, that I became a huge fan of this smoothie. You may sometimes feel a mild hint of avocado flavor, it is so mild that it is hard to believe that it contains avocado. It is guilt free as there is no added sugar. Only natural sweetness from banana, honey and when we bite into chopped pieces of dates. And it is so thick and creamy that it almost tastes like vanilla ice cream! And what is so amazing is that it is so satisfying. It keeps us satiated for long time. So let's get started with the recipe.

Sugar-free Super Healthy, yummy & Easy Avocado Banana Smoothie Recipe

Cuisine : World Over

Prep time: 10 min

No cook time

Serves- 2

Ingredients required for avocado-banana smoothie

Section 1: Ingredients

  • 1 avocado (Make sure that the avocado is completely ripe before using. Unripe avocados tend to have a bitter taste.)

  • 1 banana (ripe and frozen)

  • 1 tbsp. honey or sweetener of your choice (If you like it sweet you can add 2-3 tbsp)

  • 1/4 spoon vanilla essence (optional).

  • 1 cup chilled almond milk or any plant based milk of your choice like coconut, oats etc. I made this with homemade almond milk.

  • Dates and pistachio sliced for garnish ( or any dry fruits and nuts of your choice for toppings)

Section 2: Equipment used

High speed blender / mixer or food processor

Section 3: Directions

  1. First of all, cut the avocados breadthwise and pit it, that is, remove the stone.

  2. Using a spoon, scoop out the flesh into a high speed blender/mixer or food processor

  3. Add frozen banana, honey, vanilla essence (if you want to include), 1 cup of chilled milk of your choice and blend well until it completely turns to creamy and smooth consistency

  4. serve it immediately garnished with pistachios and dates or any toppings of your choice.

Section 4: Storage instructions

It is best to enjoy fresh, though if there is leftover it can be stored covered in the refrigerator up to 24 hours and in the freezer up to 2 weeks.

Avocado-banana smoothie blended with almond milk and honey

Section 5: Different serving options

Almond-banana smoothie blended with coconut milk and 1/4 cup grated carrot

We can try different version of this smoothie by using milk of our choice like coconut milk, cashew milk, oat milk etc. Also, we can add 1/4-1/2 cup of fruits like sliced mango, carrot or any berries or pineapple (when we add berries and pineapple we should add a little lime juice and a pinch of salt.)

Seeds like 1 Tbsp. chia seeds (It should not be added while blending it should be added after blending and just pulse it for a second so that we get little bite of it) or 1 Tbsp. flax seed meal can be used to enrich it. Even a handful greens like baby spinach leaves, cucumber etc. can be added.

Hoping you will try . Please send in your feedbacks and comments. Happy cooking! Stay healthy, stay happy!

Section 6: Recipe video

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